Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When I first started this class, I figured it was going to be easy. I thought I was a pro at using the internet. Turns out I was wrong. There are so many things that I still don't know. All the apps and different tools available is unbelievable. One tool I learned how to use was Google Docs. I didn't even know it existed until I started this class. You have access to a powerpoint app, which we actually used for a presentation and it was pretty easy and basic to use. One thing I found interesting is that the domain name system gives alphabetical names to IP addresses. It's actually quite useful because nobody is going to remember a long IP address with random numbers. So giving the numbers a name helps with remembering the address.

It's always interesting to learn new facts about something I've become so familiar with.  The internet became publicly available in 1990. The first web browser made available was Mosaic created by Marc Andreessen. Tim Berners Lee invented the web in 1989 and wrote the first web server (httpd). I also learned that the internet was originally just used by the government in the 1960's used for specific mission critical work.

There really is still so much out there that I have yet to discover and many things that I still can learn how to do. I'm looking forward to being able to use all the apps that we learn this semester and hopefully they will help me in my future and career. Check out the video below and it will fill you in on more important facts about the internet history!

I think I really did put enough effort into Learning Module 1. There are still things I would like to learn more about in upcoming classes. I look forward to continuing on with everything!

Enjoy! :-)


Host- a computer connected directly to the internet
ARPANET- the first network of computers
ARPA- Advanced Research Projects Agency- part of the Us Department of defense that did scientific research into info tech
C2C- Consumers doing business with other consumers

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