In this learning module I learned about different types of search engines you can use to find different information you need. We also learned how to use databases to find specific information we are looking for. The database I found most useful is AcademicOne, which I can access through our online school library. Some search engines would be considered general-purpose search tools. Those would include: google.com, ask.com, dogpile.com, yahoo.com, bing.com, and many other general names that you know.
In general search engines, they will search for anything you type in the search bar. It will usually cut out words like and, or and simple basic words. If you want to search more specific words, search engines will usually have an advanced search section and you can type in only the words you are searching for. With databases it gives you keywords to type in. You can change what they call the Boolean Operator. When you have multiple keywords in a query, you can change the options to AND, OR, and NOT which will decide which words to incorporate in your search and which ones you do not need. It can help narrow down your search immensely.
For our Facebook discussion we learned about our digitalfoot print. We used different websites to try and search our names too see what we have put on the web that people can access. A lot of employers and businesses are using search websites to research their future employees to see if there digital footprint is clean. Your digital footprint can either make or break a deal with your dream job. It can destroy your reputation even if you did go to the best school. If they find pictures of you doing illegal things, most likely you've sunk your own ship and can kiss that amazing opportunity goodbye. I suggested that someone creates some type of software that will track anyone who has access to your information or pictures so that way, if someone is using your information or pictures in a wrong way, you can somehow be able to delete the pictures.
Here's a little video on Digital Footprints
I learned that there are Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship. They are:
1. Digital Etiquette
2. Digital Communication
3. Digital Literacy
4. Digital Access
5. Digital Commerce
6. Digital Law
7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities
8. Digital Health & Wellness
9. Digital Security
I think that Digital Etiquette and Digital Security are probably the most important. You want to post on the web what you want and know other people, whom you may not know, to be able to see. If you're questioning your decision to post it, chances are you probably shouldn't. With Digital Security, you want to make sure that your information is going to stay safe, which actually ties in with Digital Etiquette because you really shouldn't be posting things that people are not going to want to see and probably will use it poorly against you.
Metasearch Engine- a special type of search tool that complies the search results from multiple search engines into a single search results list
Wiki- a web site that allows users to edit, update and add content
Open-ended search- seeks information on a broader scale using a simple keyword
Search Query- a question that defines the information you seek. It should include at least one keyword
Keyword- a specific word that describes that information
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